PMP Waterfall Quiz 2

Which of the following is a key advantage of the Waterfall model?
A) Flexibility for changing requirements
B) Clear structure and well-defined phases
C) Quick project turnaround
D) Strong focus on user collaboration
In Waterfall, how is progress typically measured?
A) By tracking sprints and iterations
B) Through a series of flexible cycles
C) By completing one phase at a time sequentially
D) By daily stand-ups and team meetings
What is the purpose of the maintenance phase in the Waterfall model?
A) To gather requirements for the next project
B) To implement code changes and add new features
C) To make ongoing updates and fixes to the deployed system
D) To conduct testing of the software
Which phase in Waterfall involves creating and executing the project code?
A) Requirements
B) Design
C) Implementation
D) Testing
In Waterfall, when are testing activities typically performed?
A) After the requirements phase
B) During the design phase
C) After implementation is complete
D) Throughout the project lifecycle
What is a critical step in the design phase of the Waterfall model?
A) Coding and programming the solution
B) Gathering user feedback
C) Developing detailed blueprints for the system architecture
D) Conducting test cases
Why is it challenging to return to a previous phase in the Waterfall model?
A) Because each phase is independent of the others
B) Because the project schedule is fixed at the beginning
C) Because it would disrupt the sequential process flow
D) Because resources are limited in the initial phases
Which type of project is best suited for the Waterfall model?
A) Projects with highly flexible requirements
B) Projects requiring rapid iteration and feedback
C) Projects with well-defined requirements that are unlikely to change
D) Projects with high levels of team collaboration
What is the main deliverable of the design phase in Waterfall?
A) Test cases
B) System architecture and design documents
C) Project code
D) Requirements specification
Which of the following best describes the sequence of phases in the Waterfall model?
A) Testing > Implementation > Design > Requirements
B) Requirements > Design > Implementation > Testing > Maintenance
C) Design > Requirements > Testing > Maintenance > Implementation
D) Requirements > Implementation > Testing > Maintenance > Design

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