
PMI Project Management Professional (PMP) Practice Test

Prepare for the PMI Project Management Professional (PMP) exam with this practice test. Randomly generated and customizable, this test allows you to choose the number of questions.

  • Questions: 15
  • Time: 15 minutes (60 seconds per question)
  • Included Objectives:
    • People
    • Process
    • Business Environment
    • Agile
    • Waterfall
Question 1 of 15

As a project manager, what is the first step you should take when investigating potential misunderstandings among team members?

  • Survey all necessary parties to reach consensus

  • Support the outcome of parties' agreement

  • Break down the situation to identify the root cause of the misunderstanding

  • Implement a solution without investigating the cause

Question 2 of 15

As a project manager, you aspire to excel in servant leadership. Which of the following actions best demonstrates the application of servant leadership principles to enhance team performance?

  • Actively seeking and valuing team feedback on project decisions.

  • Frequently updating team goals without consulting team members.

  • Encouraging competition among team members to maximize performance.

  • Implementing a strict project timeline to ensure efficiency.

Question 3 of 15

Which of the following is the BEST approach for determining the requirements for managing project artifacts?

  • Store all project artifacts in a shared repository accessible to the team

  • Assign a team member to be responsible for managing all project artifacts in order to streamline the process

  • Update project artifacts as changes occur throughout the project lifecycle

  • Establish a plan at the beginning of the project that defines what, when, where, and who for managing artifacts

Question 4 of 15

Which aspect is NOT typically considered when analyzing the context for a conflict within a project team?

  • Disagreements on technical opinions

  • Differences in personality and work style

  • Team members' view of the CEO

  • Competition over resources

Question 5 of 15

What factor is vital for the project manager to actively manage in the 'Control Procurements' process to maintain the integrity of contract terms and prevent unauthorized changes?

  • Prioritizing the renegotiation of contract terms to reflect the current progress of project deliverables.

  • Focusing on the resolution of claims administration outside the established contractual agreements.

  • Delegating procurement control to team members who specialize in the topic.

  • Implementing a structured change control system to manage procurement changes and contract amendments.

Question 6 of 15

What is the primary purpose of continuously re-assessing the team's impediments, obstacles, and blockers?

  • To determine if the project timeline needs to be extended

  • To ensure that the team's challenges are being adequately managed

  • To assess whether the team requires additional training

  • To identify new team members who can help resolve issues

Question 7 of 15

A project manager is evaluating various events and conditions with potential positive impacts on the project objectives. Which strategies should the project manager consider for these identified opportunities?

  • Exploit, Share, Enhance, Accept, Escalate

  • Avoid, Transfer, Mitigate, Accept, Escalate

  • Transfer, Exploit, Ignore, Enhance, Accept

  • Mitigate, Enhance, Share, Accept, Analyze

Question 8 of 15

A project manager is working on a software development project for a client. The client has provided a list of 20 potential features to include in the software. Due to budget and time constraints, only 12 of these features can be included in the current phase of the project. Which of the following is the most appropriate approach for the project manager to prioritize the features?

  • Choose the features that have the lowest risk assessment scores, as determined by the project manager and project team

  • Select the 12 features that have the lowest estimated development time based on the development team's assessment, and add more features if the project runs ahead of schedule

  • Analyze each requirement's value, dependencies, and feasibility, and prioritize based on a combination of stakeholder input and project constraints

  • Prioritize the features that have the highest potential for generating revenue for the client, knowing revenue is a top priority

Question 9 of 15

The responsibility for Direct and Manage Project Work encompasses both the execution of the project management plan and the response to changes with corrective and preventive actions.

  • False

  • True

Question 10 of 15

During a project, you notice that one of your team members, who typically is very participative, has recently been withdrawn and less actively involved in team discussions. You recall that recent personality assessments indicated that this team member has a high degree of sensitivity to team dynamics and values strong personal connections. Based on this information, what might be an effective approach to address the change in their behavior?

  • Reduce their workload believing they might be feeling overwhelmed.

  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting to discuss their change in involvement and any concerns they may be facing.

  • Ignore the behavioral change as it may be a temporary personal issue.

  • Organize more team-building activities to enhance overall team solidarity.

Question 11 of 15

On a project with a Budget at Completion (BAC) of $1,200,000, the Planned Value (PV) at a given milestone was expected to be $500,000. However, at that point, the Earned Value (EV) was actually $450,000. What is the Schedule Variance (SV) at this milestone?

  • $50,000

  • -$100,000

  • 0

  • -$50,000

Question 12 of 15

During the execution phase of a project, which of the following would BEST represent a potential threat to maintaining compliance with health and safety regulations?

  • Changes in project resource allocation that result in a shortage of personnel with health and safety management expertise

  • Budget cuts that force a reduction in project expenditures

  • An organizational restructure that does not affect the project team composition

  • Planning for upcoming organizational changes

Question 13 of 15

As a project leader, you are initiating a new project and want to ensure that your team aligns with the broader objectives of the organization. What would be the best approach to use when setting a clear and effective vision and mission for your project team?

  • Align the project mission with your personal career goals to ensure strong personal commitment to project outcomes.

  • Conduct extensive research to outline potential project outcomes before discussing with the team.

  • Create a compelling vision and mission statement that includes measurable objectives to ensure alignment with organizational goals and clarity for all team members.

  • Reassess the team's alignment with the organizational objectives periodically without initially setting clear benchmarks.

Question 14 of 15

A project manager observes that a previously energetic and participative team member has become subdued and less engaged over the last few weeks. This change coincides with the start of a high-profile and stressful project phase. What should the manager do first to address the situation, demonstrating emotional intelligence?

  • During the next team meeting, ask them for their thoughts on the recent project developments.

  • Privately ask the team member how they are coping with the current project phase.

  • Send out a team-wide survey to gauge overall team morale and use the results to address any issues.

  • Assign the team member to less critical tasks to help if they are overwhelmed with the high-profile phase.

Question 15 of 15

As a project manager, you notice tension between two team members during a meeting. One member, a senior engineer, dismisses the ideas of a younger, less experienced team member. What is the most important factor to consider when analyzing the context of this conflict?

  • The communication styles of the two team members

  • The power dynamics between the senior engineer and the less experienced team member

  • The personal differences between the two individuals

  • The technical feasibility of the ideas being discussed